If you are dealing with a recent diagnosis of lymphedema, you may not be aware of all of the areas in which this risk factor can affect your day to day life. As your lymphatic and circulatory systems are jeopardized, you can experience an increase in swelling and pain as well as even more aggressive symptoms.
Traveling is a huge area of consideration for someone with lymphedema. Extended periods of time spent sitting down can aggravate your individual risk factors and put your health in danger. The best way in which to combat these dangers is to wear a compression garment.
The same can be said for traveling by airplane. If you are planning to fly home for the holidays this year, it is highly recommended that you wear a graduated compression garment throughout your trip. Statistics have shown that the decrease in cabin pressure inside of an airplane can increase swelling because of the way that it adversely affects your lymphatic and circulatory systems. You can avoid any unnecessary discomfort and potential danger related to your lymphedema simply by finding the right compression garment and wearing it correctly.
The image that you have in your head of being forced to wear an itchy and awkward compression garment may not be accurate! The high quality garments made by Juzo are designed with you in mind. They help you to maintain an active lifestyle without compromising your comfort or fashion. From compression stockings to arm sleeves to socks of various kinds, our selection of Juzo products is sure to include the perfect fit for your preferred style.
Come visit us today at Amazed By You, and we will help you make this holiday season just as comfortable as any you’ve ever known!